The Enigmatic Concept of Private Logic
The Veiled Source of Our Unhappiness
The thought patterns of “should be, must be, or else” all conceal within them a psychological concept: private logic. Do you know that our unconscious adherence to our private logic stems partly from a lack of awareness of it and partly from the absence of specific methods to generate correct ways of thinking? We may not even be aware that there are alternative ways of handling situations.
Understanding Private Logic
What Exactly Is “Private Logic”?
“Private logic” is a concept proposed by Alfred Adler, the founder of individual psychology and one of the “big three” in psychoanalysis. It represents a personal meaning of life. Each person interprets a belief from their observations. This belief makes us believe that only under certain circumstances can we obtain a sense of belonging and value, which in turn continuously influences our decisions, our lives, and even our destinies. We often regard our core beliefs as universal truths, thinking “it’s just the way it is.” This is why we sometimes consider those around us as stubborn and self – righteous when dealing with certain matters, which actually results from the differences in our private logics.
The Formation of Private Logic
How Private Logic Takes Shape
It’s not the events you encounter that shape your life, but your ‘creative interpretations’ of them. In most cases, you can’t decide what will happen to you, but you can determine the impact of those events on you. Adler believed that within the framework of personal genetics and the objective environment, from infancy, a person shows a direction of reaction to the immediate environment. Initially, this reaction is experimental. Through repeated failures or confirmations, each child creatively summarizes and integrates experiences in their unique way, gradually forming personal experiences, a complete set of reaction patterns, and evaluation schemes. This pattern and scheme determine how they live, adapt, grow, and handle problems, embodying a “private logic.” In other words, “private logic” is a subjectively constructed mode of occurrence.
The formation of a person’s concepts, behaviors, and values is based on the mutual influence and interaction of four aspects: events, perceptual interpretations, beliefs, and decisions, which are called private logic. A change in any one of these aspects will lead to a new private logic.
The Process of Private Logic Formation
Private logic has a sequence. When dissected, we can see the four steps in the picture above:

Step 1 – We Have Certain Feelings about an Event
Step 2 – We Generate Our Own Interpretations of These Feelings
Step 3 – Based on the Interpretations, We Develop a Belief That Suits Us or That We Consider Rational
Step 4 – We Make a Decision Based on This Belief, Which Leads to an Action
Case Studies of Private Logic Formation in Childhood
A Case of a Child’s Private Logic Formation
In the first grade of primary school, Shanshan got the second – highest score in the mid – term exam. She skipped home to tell her father the good news. However, her father, who was watching TV, showed no reaction. Instead, he asked who the first – place student was and told Shanshan to learn from that classmate.
What kind of feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and decisions would she have in response to her father’s reaction?
Exploring Private Logic through the “Four – step” Process
Event – I Got the Second Place, but Dad Didn’t Praise or Encourage Me
Feeling and Interpretation – I Felt Disappointed and Sad
Belief – Dad Likes the First – place Student. I’m Not Good Enough. Only Being First Has Value
Behavior – No Matter What, I Must Get the First Place!
In adulthood, we should be more aware of those things we take for granted.
- Parents spending money on me and sending me to school is what they should do.
- Girls should be gentle and demure, and boys shouldn’t cry easily.
- Being sensible and well – behaved is being a good child.
- Only if my boyfriend always gives in to me does he love me.
There’s no such thing as “taken for granted” in the world. It’s all just private logic. Everything we consider as a matter of course might become an obstacle.
The Impact and Transformation of Private Logic
Private Logic’s Influence on Our Lives
“Private logic” directly affects our internal beliefs regarding thinking, emotions, and actions, influencing all our relationships. The key to nourishing our souls is to constantly be aware of our private logic and make corresponding upgrades and changes towards the life we desire.
True and Lasting Change
Change doesn’t mean negating the past or ourselves, nor forcing ourselves to change completely through sheer willpower. True and lasting change is to face the past and the present, start with an encouraging small step, find our inner courage, and see our true selves.